Seamlessly create and
manage 504 Plans


Coordinate student

Monitor 504 plans at the district level,
and empower staff with easy-to-use
forms that keep you in compliance.

Explore the benefits

Build efficiencies into your 504 Plan process to accommodate
students and set them up for success in the classroom.

  • Personal and

    All teachers who interact with
    the student gain awareness
    and easy access to the
    active 504 Plan.

  • Stay in

    Manage all your documentation
    in one place, from the prior
    written notice through the
    annual review.

  • Simplify plan

    Set up new plans in no time,
    using templated forms and
    dropdown selections that can
    be customized to your district.

For years, SDS has partnered with our district to develop versatile learning-centric tools for our teachers and principals. What makes this relationship work so well is that SDS’s designers and developers never presume to tell us what we as educators need. They listen and respond quickly to our ideas and craft solutions that work for our folks.

Matt King

Teaching and Learning Services, Snohomish School District

How it works

Integrate 504 plan data into your analysis so students get the full benefit of all documentation.

  • Step through creation of prior written notices,
    eligibility forms, and 504 plans
    in a user-friendly
    guided interface.

  • Export professional-quality forms and letters that
    can be sent physically or electronically, as well as
    reports for state auditors.

  • Keep a clear paper trail, complete with dates of
    notice and consent, meeting notes, and
    relevant attachments.

Meet reporting requirements
while offering swift support
to students.

Pull together all your student accommodations data,
and you make it easier to pull together families,
teachers, and administrators in a coordinated effort
to keep students growing.



See Data Differently Video

Give us a try!

We’d love to offer you a preview or answer any
questions you have.

Submit your information in the following form or call
us at 844-744-4737.

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